«RUSCORD» – an association of specialists and organizations in the field of procurement, storage, use of cord blood cells and cellular technologies, is a corporate non-profit organization, an association of individuals and (or) legal entities, based on voluntary membership and created to represent and protect common interests.
Association Objectives
Association, representation and protection of the common interests of organizations and specialists in the field of procurement, storage, use of umbilical cord blood cells and cellular technologies (with the exception of products subject to the law N 180-ФЗ “On Biomedical Cellular Products”)
Formation of consolidated professional (expert) opinions of specialists on strategic development issues, as well as the development and approval of clinical recommendations (protocols) on the use of cellular technologies
Promoting fundamental and applied research in the field of cellular technology, professional development and training of specialists in the field of regenerative medicine
Association News
Международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные вопросы регенеративной медицины: клеточные технологии, тканевая инженерия»
Ассоциация РУСКОРД была организатором большого научного события в Самаре! 21-22…
Пуповинная кровь вновь помогла ребенку с аутизмом
«Терапия с использованием пуповинной крови для детей с диагнозом “расстройство…
Пересадка мезенхимальных клеток (МСК) для лечения коронавируса
В on-line версии журнала «Гены и Клетки» опубликован обзор на актуальную…